My Story

Hey, I’m Cher!

The bright blue or the gloomy, ready-to-rain skies …

star-studded or the orb of the night …

the quick changing colours of the dusk or the dawn…

rainy days that shower the verdure, unfolding the multi shades of green….

the expanse of the sea and the incessant waves that are never tired of pushing me to the shores…

the offing and the horizon ….

all these and much more in nature have captivated me as a child and am still under their spell. To be honest, am quite content to be so.

Haha … okay, let me be short! I am an ardent lover of nature.

Other than my love for nature, I love observing people, their actions and emotions. I introspect on my own thoughts. I always try to analyse and reflect upon my own actions.

The connection between the personality and how a person is brought up;

the social conditioning and the internal conflict;

the social structure and the worldly struggles;

the hierarchy, division of labour and the discrimination;

the gender roles an the stereotypes … so on and so forth.

I contemplate on these lines and thus try to narrate this universal drama in my own words and expression. I am here neither to support my opinions nor to support the so called morality.

My love for writing has sprung up from the deep urge to shatter the rigidity of the value system and the stigma attached to it.

Stay tuned to travel along with me through the strata of life, to reach the world of equality and love.

Thanks for stopping by!

Hope you enjoy reading my space.

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