online education

An Open Letter to Schools and Parents

Dear all,

It is with great distress that I am drafting this mail. We, adults, have been conveniently ignoring the impending menace that the ongoing online classes are yet to bring.

Why are we blindfolded to the consequences that would last for years to come and the cost an entire generation has to pay? Their future!!

Though I might sound to be overstating or overreacting, I am pretty sure of the negative impact it’s gonna have on the children, the so-called future of India or whichever country they belong to! 

Online learning and the present academic sessions have the students stuck to the screens for hours together. Other than their regular classes and schoolwork, children would want to be involved in activities of their choice too.

They are already left with almost negligible interaction with the outside world. All this results in limiting a child’s world to a mere smartphone/ laptop/ PC. which in turn results in an addiction to the gadgets. 

A few findings from the observation of my child’s normal day:

The school session starts with the morning assembly at 8.30 AM or a little earlier sometimes. This session ends at 2.30 pm or a little later, sometimes.  Of course, there are some exceptions again.

Tuesdays and Thursdays the school ends at 3 pm for NCC cadets. This session often resumes at 6 pm in the name of fitness or Athma Nirbhar Bharath or some other hyped nationalist concept. 

And yes, that’s not it! Apart from the regular school sessions,  students are engaged in some or other internet activity in the name of project work or notes that are sent online for copying or browsing for extra information regarding the topic.  

Also, there are home works and class works to be submitted, personal group interactions with the class for some activity they are to present the next day and it goes on. All this, yes, adds on to their screen time. 

As per the norms of Dept of School Education & Literacy Ministry of HRD, Govt of India, the online synchronous learning should not be more than four sessions of 30-45 minutes each on the days as decided by States/UTs. 

Telangana State government has issued similar guidelines for online classes capping the screen time to 3 hours for Classes IX and X. 

However, the reality is different and dreadful. Schools in the name of online learning have been asking (or to be honest, forcing) the students to attend these online classes for extended hours.

For my son, it is 4 hours 30 minutes and more than 5 odd hrs on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This comes up to 166% higher than the guidelines that are recommended. 

Whatever I have mentioned above is just the academic part of it. Other than this, the children would like to watch television or some videos, interact with friends and family (distant) through video calls, attend class group messages or friends group messages and this list goes on.

Summing all this up, the children’s screen presence is higher than most of the adults working from home. It is not an exaggeration,  It’s the reality! 

online classes during covid

These children have been confined to homes for almost 7 months now. They had negligible social interaction, physical activity and outdoor play with friends. All these are very crucial for their overall psychological and physical growth. 

It is very sad that the teachers and the school management are ignoring the fact that physical health and emotional well-being are a part of a child’s education and growth. Pity, that none of these is considered while practising digital education. 

Seems like, parents and the schools just want the child to excel in academics. But ignoring her/his other needs is detrimental to the child. What good are the academic sessions without the child being physically, psychologically and emotionally fit?? 

Let’s not talk about the damage that all this could do to their eyes. Because all that seems quite petty to me now, when there is much more to talk about.

What is stopping us from seeing the fact that children spending more waking hours in front of screens than ever, could lead to serious mental health issues?  

COVID-19 pandemic might last for a few more months. But, the impact it will have on these children is going to last for years and might cause irreparable damage to their psyche.

As a parent, it’s tough for me to watch my child go through all this. I wanted to withdraw him from the online classes. But, the child is reluctant to do so. He wants to continue as that is his only mode of communication to interact with his peers and teachers. 

And yes, it’s not just about my child but the whole generation that is under threat. 

Hope this mail comes to you as a wake-up call. I request you to quickly look into the matter and do what is needed to rescue the younger ones. Either refrain from organising the online classes or take the required measures to restrict the child’s exposure to the screen for such prolonged hours.

I hope you understand that am not trying to find fault with the system and consider this as constructive criticism.  

Thank you!

9 thoughts on “An Open Letter to Schools and Parents”

  1. Rightly said, childrens eyes will effected with computer/ mobiles blue ray lights , my kids complaining that their eyes blinking and some times they unable to see any colour ,. I strongly believe that physical activity mandatory for kids to balance their education life and personal life . I request you to related authorities to take necessary actions to modify online education system and help our future generations to be real life warriors not key board warriors

  2. Hi
    It’s absolutely correct what you said.
    am also fighting with school management and dropped mails to officials and also discussed directly with higher officials regarding the situation and about fee and all.
    But no use still…no one responded..

  3. పెద్దలే తమకున్న సెల్ఫోన్ అడిక్షన్ తో బయట పడలేక నానా తంటాలు పడుతున్న టైం ల ఇపుడు పిల్లలకూ సెల్ఫోన్ అవసరమైంది. కోతికి కొబ్బరి చిప్ప దొరికినట్టయింది. దాదాపు పెద్దల మానిటరింగ్ కూడా మిస్సవుతోంది.
    నిజానికి ఒక రోజులో పిల్లలకు క్లాసెస్ వినేంత ఆపై ఆడుకునేంత ఎనర్జీ ఉంటుంది కానీ ఇలాంటి టైంలో కూడా వారిని చదువు పేరుతో అంత స్ట్రెస్ కి గురి చేయడం కరెక్ట్ కాదేమో..పోతే పోయింది ఒక సంవత్సరం అని ఎవరూ అనుకోకపోడం వల్లే ఇదంతా లేదా అతి ముఖ్యమైన టాపిక్స్ కవర్ చేసి మిగిలినవి స్కూల్స్ ఓపెనయాక చెప్తే బాగుంటుంది
    ఇదిలాగే కొనసాగితే అందరూ మెంటల్గా/ ఫిజికల్గా కోలుకోలేనంత డామేజ్ అవడం ఖాయం.

    1. ‘సంవత్సరం పోతే ఏం అయిపోతుంది’ అని parents అనుకున్న రోజు ఈ డిస్కషన్ ఏ ఉండదు. Problem అదే! schools survive అవ్వాలంటే parents ఫీ pay చేయాలి. ఫీ pay చేశాక వాళ్ళకుండే expectations match చేయడం కోసం schools కష్టపడి కృషి చేస్తుంటాయి. All this drama happens in the name of saving a child’s future!

  4. Very touching letter for non serious policy makers. Please issue this to publication. Can circulate with your permission of course.

  5. Yes, exactly these are the hidden facts by the nationalists (people, governing bodies, or whomever it may be).
    Passing a rule may look good to the eye.

    Just like NEP 2020 and digital india. They look way more appealing to another level such that people don’t care about its working, future and consequences.

    People should start analysing and knowing the insights of every problem what today’s school going child is facing and what will be the effects of these later. One few do this. Because analysis doesn’t count in the hyped headlines only title does.

    Sadly, indian students will be forced to face the worst conditions in the near future if this continues. Most importantly state of mind is important than knowledge. If that effects, then whatever you pursue, it is going to be vain.

    Re-structuring the norms and rules should be done in the perspective of students’ state of mind instread of just showing off with emotional and eye-catchy tag lines.

  6. Yes!
    You’re Saying absolutely, in COVID-19 Pandemic times Virtual Education affects the long screentime & sitting before digital devices would result in permanent health issues like back pain take the front seat. Headache, Eye dryness and iritation causing pain & swelling in eyes which are glued to the screens for 4-5 hours continuously..

  7. Yes,I do agree with you.Actually the schools needed fee and the parents needs output from the teachers.i dnt know how much the online classes reaches to the children ,but instead of school videos I’m guiding my child in each subject and teaching him each and every lesson from point to point in every subject…The videos which are posted by the teachers dnt even have a meaning…its just for teacher’s attendence…

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